While we were in holidays in France at the end of september, we had the opportunity to drive to Castres, 77km away from Toulouse. A rich History, lovely houses on the Agoût riverbank and a museum dedicated to Francisco Goya make Castres a nice place to visit. See for yourself:
De gauche à droite et de haut en bas: Eglise Notre-Dame de la Platé, place du 1er Mai, ancienne maison, blason de Castres, statue de Jean Jaurès, une porte d'immeuble dans le vieux Castres, belle maison avec lierre, place Jean Jaurès, bel immeuble dans le vieux Castres.
From left to right and top to bottom: Church Notre-Dame de la Platé, square 1st of May, old house, Castres' blazon, Jean Jaurès statue, old door in the old Castres, pretty house with ivy, square Jean Jaurès, building in the center. |
J'aurais dû craquer et acheter un de ces chocolats, ils avaient l'air si bons!
Autres photos: rues dans le vieux centre.
I should have indulged in some of these chocolate, they look so good!
Other photos: streets in the old center. |
Image de gauche: le Théâtre municipal. De haut en bas à droite: Jardin de l’Évêché, tour de l'ancienne abbaye attenante à l’Évêché, cadran solaire dans la cour de l’Évêché, cathédrale Saint Benoit. De droite à gauche en bas: croix devant la cathédrale (on voit les symboles des différentes corporations de la ville), entrée de l'ancien palais de l’Évêché, et enfin musée Goya.
Picture on the left: town theatre. From top to bottom on the right: garden of the Bishopric, tower of the old abbaye near the Bishopric, sundial, cathedral Saint Benoit. From right to left, on the bottom: cross in front of the cathedral (you can see the symbols of the old guilds of Castres), entrance of the old Bishopric palace and at last the Goya museum. |
Les maisons de l'Agoût. Avec le reflet dans l'eau, c'est impressionnant.
Houses on the Agoût. With the reflection in the water, it's impressive. |
Castres looks lovely, thank you for linking it to #AllAboutFrance Eolia. The buildings on the river bank look very unusual.
RépondreSupprimerThat's what really caught my eyes. The fact that these buildings have such a specificity (an access to the river) is fascinating.
SupprimerYour photos are beautiful, and I love the way you lay them out. I used to live in Albi and got to Castres occasionally, but it was a rather mournful place when we lived in the Tarn in the early 90s. I imagine like many medium-sized French towns, it has undergone some improvements. I'll have to get back there one of these days! #AllAboutFrance
RépondreSupprimerI'm not sure that I would want to move to Castres, but yes indeed, it seems that the town had some improvements in the last 15 years... Thanks for commenting!