vendredi 10 juillet 2015

My life status in Oberursel... before family gets bigger.

Sculpture at the entrance of the Hochtaunus Schule.
Already 21 months that we are living in à Oberursel, but in fact 22 months we came for the first time in this town. 

It was for a flat visit... flat that we loved and were able to rent. Located in the middle of city-center, on the Epinay-Platz, we had the chance to immerge ourselves in the city life right after our move in.  

I felt in love with Oberursel as soon as we arrived. I took many photos during my first walks and still do it from time to time. 

Brunnenfest 2015.

The festivals marked out our adaptation:HalloweenSt Martin's fest (two consecutive years), Auto in der Allee, the Brunnen Fest or fontain festival, the Schulwald Fest, the Fall fest, the soap boxes raceEaster or even the medieval fair... 

The children are always eager to hang out at one of those events! I can't wait August for my second medieval fair, I just pray that the baby won't decide to come out  ten days earlier... 

We learnt where the paths for a good stroll are, even if we have still many to discover! There are so many occasions in Oberursel:
Sculpture on a house corner in the Hollerberg street. 
This character reminds me of the catalan Caganer... 
I suppose that it's fertility symbol,
like his irreverent catalan conterpart.

* Playgrounds: here or there. And we didn't find them all!

bicycling, more so for my husband with a kid in the back sit.

* walking in the countryside and on the pedestrian pathways, especially when the sun is out!

strolling in the woods, a must by almost every weather.

* discovering the old cimetery in Bommersheim

* there are also many lovely houses to see.

* contemporary art in the city is well present. 

* the same can be said for street art, that you can find in many parts of the town..

I had also interviewed two inhabitants: one of the manager at the shop Obstwerk and the jewel maker Marina Steffan. I would rather like to write more "profiles" from different people living or working here. But I must admit that with my three year old daughter, it's not easy... I think with the newborn it will be easier while the two oldest will be at school / kindergarten (no, no, I'm not kidding!) 

A preview of my "Home Sweet Home".
Chandelier: Kontrast. Aquarelle: VC Tricot, artist in Céret, France.
My family goes often to the town library, to borrow books, CD, DVD or boardgames (it's also a ludotheque!) My son loves to go to his Kindergarten, and it's even better when they have projects such as the one about the solar system.

Our move into our new flat in the North of Oberursel allowed us to enjoy new parts of the city, and I'm thinking while writing these lines that I still didn't write my post about my  "Home Sweet Home". So, I kinda have some work this summer...

The kids had also some pretty interesting meetings: the firemen, some squirrels (post in French only: écureuils), the city choir, a beehive, the animals in the Opel Zoo several times (1st visit2nd time3rd visit) and mushrooms in the woods or on the roads borders...

For the town hall elections, I accepted to translate in french an interview with the two candidates. I have to say that I enjoy diving (again) into Oberursel politic, a bit like I did a few years ago in France when I was a Modem (Democrate Party) adherent. I hope I can work again with Graham (and others!) to improve the communication between the Oberurselers, especially the ones with foreign origines.

The kids love to live here too!

Little reminder: according to figures supplied by the city hall, on Decembre 31st 2014, there were 39 446 inhabitants with the German citizenship, 3 409 from the European Union and 3 809 coming from countries outside the EU. Total of residents (all age groups): 46 664

Oberursel is the least populated city my husband lived in, but certainly one of his favorites (Paris will always have the 1st place in his heart...) My childhood town had less than 7000 inhabitants, so for me Oberursel has quite a respectable size...

 just the one I need!  

Expat Life with a Double Buggy

3 commentaires:

  1. Looks like a really nice place to live :-) Nice chandelier! #ExpatLifeLinky

  2. I love your photographs, so evocative of life in your home town.

  3. What a lovely overview - such a nice idea!


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