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Image: Briefmarken-Bilder.de |
Elle était musicienne et peintre, abbesse et prophétesse, médecin et scientifique, linguiste et femme politique même. J'ai le grand plaisir et honneur de vous parler aujourd'hui de l'une des figures féminines de l'époque médiévale qui a le plus marqué son temps... et qui inspire de nos jours encore nombre d'entre nous!
She was a musician and a painter, abbess and prophetess, doctor/healer and scientist, linguist and even political woman. I have the great pleasure and honor today to talk to you about one of the most reknown feminine figure of the Middle Age... and who even nowadays inspire many people!
Sa vie est plutôt bien connue et ses oeuvres l'ont élevées au rang de Docteur de l'Eglise Catholique. Je vous résume ici rapidement sa biographie (sources multiples, dont wikipedia).
Her life is relatively well known and her works made her a Doctor of the Catholic Church. I will here quickly resume her biography (multiple sources, like this article).
Née en 1098 à Bermersheim vor der Höhe (Hesse rhénane) d'une famille de notables du Palatinat, ses parents l'envoient très tôt au couvent des bénédictines de Disibodenberg (à 8 ans) car elle faisait preuve d'une grande maturité spirituelle et même de visions. Ce fait restera tout de même secret la moitié de sa vie.
Born in 1098 in Bemersheim vor der Höhe (Rhein Hessen) in a notable family of the Palatinat, her parents sent her very soon in the benedictine closter of Disibodenberg (at 8 years old) because she was very mature on a spiritual level and had visions. This fact stayed secret for half of her life.
Elle prend le voile vers 14 ou 15 ans et devient abbesse à 38 ans.Cinq ans plus tard, dans une vision, elle reçoit l'ordre de Dieu de consigner par écrit toutes les visions qu'elle a reçu et recevra. Ce qui ne fut pas chose évidente pour elle. Ses doutes la feront tomber malade et son obéissance la guérira. De même lorsqu'elle voudra fonder un couvent indépendant après une révélation (celui de Disibodenberg étant double et les moniales sous la dépendance de l'abbé), le refus de l'abbé la plongera dans un état proche de la catatonie. Lorsque celui-ci viendra pour la faire sortir de son lit (peut-être croyait-il qu'elle jouait la comédie... elle était une femme avec un caractère fort!), il se rendra compte de son état de santé et accordera enfin son autorisation de créer un nouveau couvent, ce qui la fit guérir rapidement.
She took the veil at age 14 or 15 and became the abbess at 38 years old. Five years later, in a vision, she recieved the mission from God to record all her visions she had already received and will receive in the future. And it was not an easy feat for her. She became ill with all her doubts and her obedience to the instruction of God healed her. The same will happen when after another revelation she wanted to found a new closter (the one of Disibodenberg was a double closter and the nuns were under the supervision of a abbot), and the abbot's refusal sent her into a near catatonic state. When he came to raised her from her bed (perhaps he thought she was just "playing" the illness... she had a strong personnality after all!), he saw for himself that she was not faking and granted her the right to create a new closter only for women. That healed her quickly.
She took the veil at age 14 or 15 and became the abbess at 38 years old. Five years later, in a vision, she recieved the mission from God to record all her visions she had already received and will receive in the future. And it was not an easy feat for her. She became ill with all her doubts and her obedience to the instruction of God healed her. The same will happen when after another revelation she wanted to found a new closter (the one of Disibodenberg was a double closter and the nuns were under the supervision of a abbot), and the abbot's refusal sent her into a near catatonic state. When he came to raised her from her bed (perhaps he thought she was just "playing" the illness... she had a strong personnality after all!), he saw for himself that she was not faking and granted her the right to create a new closter only for women. That healed her quickly.
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Hildegarde von Bingen, peinture de Janet Goodchild (source) |
Elle n'alla pas loin, juste à quelques kilomètres, pour fonder avec une vingtaine de nonnes le couvent de Rupertsberg à Bingen, en 1150. En 1165, son rayonnement est tel qu'elle doit créer un deuxième couvent, à Eibingen de l'autre côté du Rhin, dans les bâtiments d'un ancien couvent augustin qu'elle fera rénover. Elle finira ses jours à Rupertsberg le 1 septembre 1197, après avoir écrit de nombreux traités et avoir conseillé de grandes figures politiques de l'époque.
She didn't go far to build the closter of Rupertsberg in Bingen in 1150. And in 1165, her radiance was such that she founded a second monastery in Eibigen, on the other side of the Rhein, in an old building that was once an augustin closter and that she renoved. She finished her life in Rupertsberg the 1st September 1197, after having written many books and advised several great figures of her time.
She didn't go far to build the closter of Rupertsberg in Bingen in 1150. And in 1165, her radiance was such that she founded a second monastery in Eibigen, on the other side of the Rhein, in an old building that was once an augustin closter and that she renoved. She finished her life in Rupertsberg the 1st September 1197, after having written many books and advised several great figures of her time.
La femme spirituelle: prophéties pour son temps et pour le nôtre.
The spiritual woman: prophecies for her time and ours.
Elle a été reconnue le 7 octobre 2012 "Docteur de l'Eglise" par le pape Benoît XVI, et même si il n'y avait pas eu de canonisation en "bonne et dûe forme" (elle a été par contre béatifiée), son nom avait été ajouté au martyrologe romain et avait été reconnue formellement "Sainte" en mai 2012.
The 7th october of 2012, she has been named as "Doctor of the Church" by the Pope Benedict XVI and even if her canonization wasn't done in due form (she was however counted as a Blessed one), her name had been written in the roman martyrologue and she has been recognized at "Saint" in May 2012.
Non seulement Hildegarde était une grande connaisseuse des textes bibliques, mais elle possédait également un don de prophétie qui fut reconnu de son vivant, notamment par le Pape Eugène II lors du synode de Trèves (entre la fin 1147 et le début 1148).
Not only Hildegarde had a great knowledge of the biblical texts, but she also possessed a prophetic gift that has been acknowledged in her lifetime, in particular by the Pope Eugene II during the synode of Trèves (held between the end of 1147 and the beginning of 1148).
Not only Hildegarde had a great knowledge of the biblical texts, but she also possessed a prophetic gift that has been acknowledged in her lifetime, in particular by the Pope Eugene II during the synode of Trèves (held between the end of 1147 and the beginning of 1148).
Comme indiqué ci-dessus, elle avait des visions dès son plus jeune âge. De 1141 à 1151, elle consigne à l'aide de son confesseur et scribe, le moine Volmar, ce qu'elle nommera le Scivias seu Visionnes. C'est son premier recueil de visions (26 en tout, 600 pages imprimées et plus de 150 000 mots), les deux suivants étant le Liber vitae meritorum et De operatione dei, également connu sous le nom Liber divinorum operum.
As told above, she had visions from a young age. Between 1141 and 1151, she recorded with the help of her confessor and scribe, the monk Volmar, what she will called the Scivias seu Visionnes. It's her first collection of visions (26 visions, 600 written pages and more than 150 000 words), the two next being the Liber vitae meritorum and the De operatione dei, also known as the Liber divinorum operum.
From: Amazon.com
De nombreux théologiens et chercheurs se sont penché sur ces textes. Voici le résumé du livre de Pierre Dumoulin, Hildegarde de Bingen. Prophète et docteur pour le troisième millénaire, qui étudie principalement les oeuvres mystiques de la Sainte.
Many theologians and researchers have studied her texts. Here is the translation (I did it, and I hope it fits the level of the original writing) of the resume for the book Hildegarde de Bingen. Prophète et docteur pour le troisième millénaire, written by Pierre Dumoulin and focused on the mystical works of the Saint.
Hildegarde élabore une anthropologie novatrice, veut guider les âmes et régénérer l’esprit. Son génie est de proposer une conception intégrale de la personne : « Le corps est l’atelier de l’âme où l’esprit vient faire ses gammes ». Ses trois livres de visions nous introduisent dans une sagesse chrétienne. Le premier indique la voie, le second donne les moyens, le troisième décrit le but à atteindre : une harmonie de l’univers renouvelée grâce à la transformation intérieure de l’homme. Toute la richesse de l’Occident chrétien est ici synthétisée.
Hildegarde designs an innovative anthropology, wants to sheperd the soul and regerenate the spirit. Her genius comes from proposing an integral conception of the person: "The body is the workshop of the soul where the spirit comes to make his scales". Her three books of visions introduce us in a christian wisdom. The first show the way, the second give the means, the third describes the goal to achieve: an harmony of the universe, renewed through the inner transformation of the man. All the richness of the Christian Occident is here synthetized.
Le Riesencodex conservé à la bibliothèque régionale de Hesse, à Wiesbaden, regroupe la majorité de ses écrits, exceptés ceux médicaux.
The Riesencodex is preserved at the Hessen regional library, in Wiesbaden, and gather most of her writings, but not her medical ones.
The Riesencodex is preserved at the Hessen regional library, in Wiesbaden, and gather most of her writings, but not her medical ones.
Rupertsberger Riesenkodex |
La femme de sciences: soigner le corps et l'esprit.
The woman of science: healing the body and the spirit.
The woman of science: healing the body and the spirit.
L'épouse de mon père est pharmacienne et spécialisée dans les remèdes naturels. Hildegarde von Bingen est une de ses personnalités préférées. Ses écrits sont très modernes pour le XIIe siècle (diagnostics, traitements, hygiène - eau bouillie pour prévenir les infections par exemple), tout en reprenant des traditions antiques (propriétés des minéraux). Elle combinait le traitement physique de la maladie avec des méthodes holistiques centrées sur une guérison spirituelle. Pour elle, le macrocosme et le microcosme sont inextricablement liés.
My step-mother is pharmacist and specialized in natural cures. Hildegarde von Bingen is one of her favorite character. Her texts are rather modern for the 12th Century (diagnostics, cures, hygiene -boiled water to prevent the infections for example), while reclaiming the antic traditions (mineral properties). She mixed the physical treatements of the illness with holistic methods centered on a spiritual healing. For Hildegarde, the macrocosme and the microcosme were inextricably linked.
My step-mother is pharmacist and specialized in natural cures. Hildegarde von Bingen is one of her favorite character. Her texts are rather modern for the 12th Century (diagnostics, cures, hygiene -boiled water to prevent the infections for example), while reclaiming the antic traditions (mineral properties). She mixed the physical treatements of the illness with holistic methods centered on a spiritual healing. For Hildegarde, the macrocosme and the microcosme were inextricably linked.
Les deux ouvrages Physica et Causae et Curae sont traduits dans plusieurs langues et passionnent depuis une trentaine d'années les personnes qui recherchent une approche plus "naturelle" de la médecine. Avec l'intérêt renouvelé pour ses écrits depuis les années 80, des praticiens se sont orientés vers une redécouverte de ses méthodes. Il existe même un Institut Hildegardien qui transmet lors de formations les enseignements médicaux de Hildegarde.
The two books Physica and Causae et Curae are translated in several languages and fascinate for more than thirty years people looking for a more natural approach in medecine. With the renewed interest in her works since the eighties, practicionners have turned toward a rediscovery of her methods. Some Institutes have been created to train in the medical teachings and applications of Hildegarde's studies.
The two books Physica and Causae et Curae are translated in several languages and fascinate for more than thirty years people looking for a more natural approach in medecine. With the renewed interest in her works since the eighties, practicionners have turned toward a rediscovery of her methods. Some Institutes have been created to train in the medical teachings and applications of Hildegarde's studies.
La femme de lettres:
The woman of letters:
The woman of letters:
Elle a construit une nouvelle langue, la Langua Ignota (langue inconnue) qui semble-t-il n'a été parlé que par Hildegarde elle-même. Voici une planche des 23 lettres la composant:
She constructed a new language, the Langua Ignota (the unknown language) that seems to have been only spoken by Hildegarde herself. Here are the 23 letters composing it:
She constructed a new language, the Langua Ignota (the unknown language) that seems to have been only spoken by Hildegarde herself. Here are the 23 letters composing it:
De plus, elle a eu une correspondante abondante avec des personnalités telles que Bernard de Clairvaux, le pape Eugène III, l'abbé Suger, ou encore l'empereur Frédéric I Barberousse.
She also had a long and fructious correspondence with many personalities like Bernard of Clairvaux, the Pope Eugene III, Abbot Suger or even the emperor Frederik I Barbarossa.
The artist:
The artist:
Les enluminures de ses trois recueils de visions auraient été réalisées par elle-même ou du moins leur production dirigée par ses soins. Il y en a 35 dans le Scivias et elles sont les plus connues de celles contenues dans ses oeuvres.
The illuminations of the three records of visions could have been made by her or at least she managed their production. There are 35 illuminations in the Scivias and they are most famous from her works.
The illuminations of the three records of visions could have been made by her or at least she managed their production. There are 35 illuminations in the Scivias and they are most famous from her works.
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Léonard de Vinci n'était pas le premier à reconnaître les proportions du corps humain... Leonardo da Vinci was not the first to recognize the human body proportions... |
Elle fut également une compositrice de musique sacrée. 70 compositions sont regroupées dans le Symphonia armoniae celestium revelationum (Symphonie de l'harmonie des révélations célestes) et le drame liturgique Ordo Virtutum (Le jeu des vertus) comporte 82 mélodies.
She was also a sacred music composer. 70 compositions are regrouped in the Symphonia armoniae celestium revelationum (Symphony of the harmony of the celestial revelations) and the liturgic drama Ordo Virtutum (Play of the Virtues) has 82 melodies.
She was also a sacred music composer. 70 compositions are regrouped in the Symphonia armoniae celestium revelationum (Symphony of the harmony of the celestial revelations) and the liturgic drama Ordo Virtutum (Play of the Virtues) has 82 melodies.
Spiritus Sanctus, the second Antiphone and Psalm 110/111 from the vesper of Hildegard von Bingen.
Veni Creator Spiritus
O Magna Pater / Ave, Maria, o auctrix vitae
Comme vous le voyez, Hildegarde était une femme aux multiples talents, et qui refusait le carcan patriarcal quand celui-ci lui empêchait de suivre les murmures de l'Esprit Saint. A son époque, les femmes n'étaient pas invitées à parler en public, surtout de sujets théologiques. Cela ne l'empêcha pas de conduire quatre tournées de prêches en Allemagne dès 1160 jusqu'en 1171 (elle avait alors 73 ans!).
As you can see, Hildegarde was a multi-talented woman, who refused the patriarcal oder when it impeded her to folow the Holy Ghost's whisperings. In her era, women couldn't speak in public, especially on theological topics. It didn't prevent her to tour four times Germany to preach from the year 1160 to 1171 (she was 73 years old!)
As you can see, Hildegarde was a multi-talented woman, who refused the patriarcal oder when it impeded her to folow the Holy Ghost's whisperings. In her era, women couldn't speak in public, especially on theological topics. It didn't prevent her to tour four times Germany to preach from the year 1160 to 1171 (she was 73 years old!)
Se décrivant comme une femme non-éduquée (elle n'avait pas été formellement instruite dans les sept arts libéraux) et incapable d'exégèse des textes, et appuyant sur son état de membre du "sexe faible", elle mettait ainsi en avant le côté mystique de ses visions et prêches. Ce qui lui permettait en fait de pouvoir parler à une époque et un lieu où ce n'était pas possible aux femmes. Elle s'opposait fermement à la corruption et aux pratiques de l'Eglise qu'elle réprouvait (la simonie par exemple).
Describing herself as an uneducated woman (she was never instructed per say in the seven liberal arts) and unable to do exegesis of the Scriptures, and pointing her statu of member of the "weaker sex" too, she put forward the mystical aspect of her visions and preaches. Which enabled her, in fact, to speak more freely in a time and space where it was deemed inappropriate for a woman. She was against the corruption and all the practices in the Church she deemed unworthy (like the simony).
Describing herself as an uneducated woman (she was never instructed per say in the seven liberal arts) and unable to do exegesis of the Scriptures, and pointing her statu of member of the "weaker sex" too, she put forward the mystical aspect of her visions and preaches. Which enabled her, in fact, to speak more freely in a time and space where it was deemed inappropriate for a woman. She was against the corruption and all the practices in the Church she deemed unworthy (like the simony).
Activités avec des enfants et des adolescents:
Activities with children and teenagers:
* Sur Pinterest et sur le web en général vous pouvez trouver de nombreux liens sur Hildegarde. Retrouvez les enluminures de ses oeuvres et montrez-les à vos enfants/élèves. Les explications de ces peintures sont nombreuses.
On Pinterest and on internet, you can find many links about Hildegarde of Bingen. Find the illuminations of her works and show them to your students/children. Informations about these paintings are numerous.
On Pinterest and on internet, you can find many links about Hildegarde of Bingen. Find the illuminations of her works and show them to your students/children. Informations about these paintings are numerous.
* Ecouter des musiques du Moyen-Âge. La plupart étaient chantées a capella et en latin. Bien différentes des musiques sacrées de la période baroque ou les cantiques plus contemporains!
Listen to medieval musics. Most of them were sung in latin and a capella. Quite different as the sacred musics of the baroque era or the more contemporary hymns!
Listen to medieval musics. Most of them were sung in latin and a capella. Quite different as the sacred musics of the baroque era or the more contemporary hymns!
* Etudier la vie d'un couvent médiéval. Qu'y faisaient les moines et moniales chaque jour?
Study the life in a monastery in the Middle-Age. What did the nuns and monks do of their days?
Study the life in a monastery in the Middle-Age. What did the nuns and monks do of their days?
Je vous invite aussi à visiter le site du couvent de Eibingen (il y a une traduction en français!) qui est toujours actif, avec 55 nonnes. En fait il a été reconstruit au début du XXe siècle. Celui de Rupertsberg n'a pas connu le même sort et seules quelques ruines seront visibles des promeneurs...
I invite you also to visit the website of the Eibingen closter (there's an English translation!) which is still active, with 55 nuns. It has been rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century. The one in Rupertsberg didn't have that luck and only some ruins remain...
Comme les sites où a vécu Hildegarde ne sont pas loin de chez moi, je vais essayer de jouer de mon charme et proposer un petit voyage dans la région d'Hildegarde à mon mari pour la Pentecôte. Je vous tiendrai au courant de mon succès (échec impossible!)
As the places where Hildegarde has lived are not very far away from my town, I will gather and use my charm and propose to my husband a short travel in this region for the Pentecost holidays. I will tell you about my success later (failure impossible!)
As the places where Hildegarde has lived are not very far away from my town, I will gather and use my charm and propose to my husband a short travel in this region for the Pentecost holidays. I will tell you about my success later (failure impossible!)
This post is part of the Women's History Month Series with the Multicultural Kid Blogs community. You can find the list of all the other posts, on the
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