
mardi 26 janvier 2016

Her name is Talisha... but everyone call her Snow White [Multicultural Children's Book Day]

Mirror, mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest one of all?

When you have been raised with fairy tales written by the Grimm's brothers as bedtime stories, it's a sentence you have heard quite a few times... It comes from one of the most reknown of them: Snow White. Many adaptations can be found in the litterature, or as movies, TV shows, or paintings...

Today, I have the great pleasure to review a book adaptation with an african twist that one singer I like would love to share with his children. (Mr Alex Boye', you have to read this book to your daughters!)

Talisha Snow White & her little munchkins

I received a digital copy of this colorful book written by Aphrodyi Antoine and illustrated by Eloy Claudio and as soon as I started to read it, I wanted to understand all the references the author made to different African cultures. 

I don't know much about Africa's history and culture (even if I went to college to study History...) and the pages at the end of the tales, explaining some words and sharing games for the young readers, made me want to learn more. Although it's a book written for children, any adult (may it be parents, teachers, librarians, educators, etc) can feel the spirit of curiosity coming from the story.

My children don't speak English, so I had to read it first in English and then translate for them in French. It was not the first time for me to do it, and the kids like to hear my voice change from my English tone of voice to my French one. Yeah, I kinda have different way of speaking depending on the language. But that's not the subject for today... or is it not?

In fact, Aphrodyi Antoine laced her tale with African names and words from different languages - for example: Talisha, Thema, Yeka -, cultural references like the Apple and Spice Cake (makes me hungry everytime I read the lexicon) and a good dose of talent. Her take on the Brothers Grimm' story is a bit like listening to a Griot. (If you don't know what a griot is, check this informative and educative post.) I had to adapt my voice and pronunciation to these foreign words. And of course my three and a half years olf daughter asked me "What is this word? / C'est quoi ce mot?" each time... The lexicon had been a great help!!! 

What made me like even more the story - and my kids 100% agreed - is the quality of the drawings and the way the text and the pictures are displayed. We love "comics" as a family - especially the bandes-dessinées we have in Europe- and Talisha Snow White reminds me of one. The text and the pictures work together to bring life to the story of Talisha and the numerous cultural references to Africa.

You can purchase it on amazon.
When you will have read the book, you will understand that the story plot of Snow White has changed quite a bit. If Talisha is fair and kind, she doesn't need a Prince to release her from an evil sorceress. Her family will suffice, thank you very much. No love after just a gaze, but loving and everlasting family bonds. Bonds that are not from blood, but from adoption, acceptation and love.

Many children can see themselves in this story as one of the munchkins, and adults will be thrilled to play the part of Talisha's protective adoptive parents. With just the right dose of magic and African background, this new adaptation of the Snow White's tale will help children to be more curious of other cultures and also to be more confident in the loving family bonds they can have with adoptive parents and siblings. 

Welcome to Multicultural Children's Book Day!
The MCCBD team’s mission is to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, the multicultural children’s book linky (see on one of the co-host link) and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social medias.

The co-creators of this event are Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom and Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book/Audrey Press. You can find a biography for these two bookworms / women here.

To help them promote and amplify the event, 
they have asked some multicultural bloggers to be co-hosts of this year's event:

And of course this event wouldn't be possible with the sponsors who gave each reviewer one book. So thanks to them!

Platinum Sponsors: Story Quest Books.Wisdom Tales PressLil’ Libros

Gold Sponsors: Candlewick PressTori Nighthawk: Don’t Judge A Bird By its FeathersBharat Babies

Silver Sponsors:Lee & Low BooksChronicle BooksCapstone Young ReadersChina Institute.orgTuttle PublishingNY Media Works, LLC/KidLit TV

Bronze Sponsors: Jacqueline Woodson, Pomelo BooksPapa Lemon BooksGoosebottom Books LLCAuthor Gleeson Rebello, M.D .Shout Mouse PressMahvash ShaheghLiveOak Media

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop


dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop - January 2016

Welcome to a new year of Creative Kids Culture Blog Hops! 

From the link-up in December, I have chosen to feature the post Shi-shi-etko : book review and Native Residentials Schools. It's in continuity with the topic of the post I featured last month about the Navajo Nation. 
Native Americans have been schooled in special schools where their culture and identity was taken away and the "European way of life" was forced on them. So sad, but it happened... This book is both interessant and beautiful. I love the drawings showned in that post.

Post from Crafty Moms Share


The Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop is a place where bloggers can share multicultural activities, crafts, recipes, and musings for our creative kids. We can't wait to see what you share this time!

Created by Frances of Discovering the World through My Son's Eyes, the blog hop has now found a new home at Multicultural Kid Blogs.

This month our co-hosts are:

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop is a place for you to share your creative kids culture posts. It's very easy, and simple to participate!
Just follow these simple guidelines:
  • Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. Please let us know you're following us, and we will be sure to follow you back.
  • Link up any creative kids culture posts, such as language, culture, books, travel, food, crafts, playdates, activities, heritage, and holidays, etc. Please, link directly to your specific post, and no giveaways, shops, stores, etc.
Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

  • Please grab the button code above and put it on your blog or the post you’re linking up. You can also add a text link back to this hop on your blog post. Note: By sharing your link up on this blog hop you are giving us permission to feature your blog post with pictures, and to pin your link up in our Creative Kids Culture Feature board on Pinterest.
  • Don't be a stranger, and share some comment love! Visit the other links, and comment. Everyone loves comments!
  • The Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop will go live on the 3rd Sunday of the month. It will run for three weeks. The following blog hop we will feature a previous link up post, and if you're featured, don't forget to grab the button below:
Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

Thank you for linking-up, and we can't wait to see what you've been up to!

vendredi 15 janvier 2016

Happy New Year 2016! / Bonne Année 2016!

No, I didn't forget we started a new year... I was just busy!
Non, je n'ai pas oublié que nous avons commencé une nouvelle année... J'étais juste occupée!

In English

En Français

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Wordless Wednesday #10

Those last seven days, we had the pleasure to taste new food or try some recipes.
Ces sept derniers jours, nous avons eu le plaisir de goûter de nouveaux produits ou essayer quelques recettes.

English biscuits, a Christmas present from one of my husband's colleagues. They are delicious!
Biscuits anglais, un cadeau de Noël d'un des collègues de mon mari. Ils sont délicieux!

One of my korean neighbors gave my kids a box of nori (seeweeds). I'm the only one who enjoy them... Yeah! More for me!
Une de mes voisines coréennes a offert une boîte de nori (des algues) à mes enfants. Je suis finalement la seule qui aime... Tant mieux, plus pour moi!

And of course, we have eaten a Galette des Rois à la frangipane (King's cake stuffed with almond paste), a typical French cake for Thrre Kings Day / Epiphany. It was a first for me to bake it, and I have already received orders to bake more for my husband birthday AND my son's birthday party...
Et bien sûr, nous avons mangé une Galette des Rois à la frangipane, le gâteau typique de l'Epiphanie. C'était la première fois que j'en faisais un moi-même, et j'ai déjà des commandes pour d'autres galettes, pour l'anniversaire de mon mari et le goûter d'anniversaire de mon fils...

mardi 12 janvier 2016

"Crocolou aime..." : un mi-loup / mi-crocodile que les petits adorent!

Ma fille Sophie a son personnage de livre préféré: Crocolou. Sa maman est une crocodile et son papa est un loup. Lui et sa petite soeur Marilou sont donc un mélange des deux: mi-crocodile et mi-loup.

Bien que les histoires des 30 albums ne se focalisent pas forcement sur la composition de cette famille, il est intéressant de noter que l'auteur a voulu représenter une famille bi-raciale dans le contexte du quotidien d'un enfant de 4 ans. Et ça, c'est une excellente initiative! Les lecteurs apprennent à aimer ce personnage qui a des parents différents l'un de l'autre, une façon simple d'enseigner le respect et la tolérance. Surtout que Crocolou a beaucoup d'amis qui ne pointent pas du doigt le fait qu'il soit un mélange de loup et de crocodile. Le personnage lui-même a des caractéristiques de ses deux parents: il dit par exemple qu'il a "une faim de loup" et aussi qu'il adore aller dans l'eau (côté crocodile). C'est un garçon bien dans sa peau.

L'auteur est Ophélie Texier et depuis 15 ans elle illustre des livres pour les tous-petits. Crocolou est sa première création "texte et illustrations". On lui dit un grand merci pour son travail!

Nous avons actuellement six livres de la collection Crocolou à la maison. Celui que j'aime tout particulièrement, c'est Crocolou aime les voyages. Ma fille a pris l'avion pour la première fois l'année dernière, et ce livre a été acheté peu de temps après. Elle était toute heureuse de pouvoir faire le parallèle entre son expérience et celle de Crocolou. Bon, nous étions chez les grands-parents à Toulouse, pas dans un pays lointain et "exotique" comme le pays des Souris décrit dans le livre. Un pays où il fait chaud, où il y a la mer et des champs colorés.

Toutefois, et grâce à ce livre, ma fille veut maintenant voyager là-bas (ou un vrai pays qui s'en rapproche...) et expérimenter la plage, la plongée, se faire des amis et découvrir d'autres nourritures... Bon, question nourriture, la page en question lui fait un peu peur (certaines bestioles) mais comme Crocolou a décidé de goûter à ce qu'il ne connait pas, elle le trouve très courageux. Ce qui est drôle, c'est que le dessin montre plus ce que les enfants imaginent comme nourriture étrangère et "bizarre" que ce qu'on mange vraiment dans d'autres cultures. Ok, dans certaines régions on mange des grillons et des sauterelles et autres "choses", mais c'est quand même assez atypique.

Les autres titres que nous avons acheté (ou que les grands-parents ont offert) correspondent à des thèmes liés à nos enfants. Crocolou aime les gâteaux est le préféré de Sophie. On se demande bien pourquoi... C'est une gourmande notre fille! Qui a beaucoup de mal à manger des légumes! Alors quand Crocolou demande à ses parents des gâteaux, des bonbons ou de la glace plutôt que sa soupe et ses épinards, ma fille comprend tout à fait le personnage. Heureusement, Crocolou finit par accepter de manger son repas, qu'il trouve en fait délicieux, et a droit aussi à un dessert! A force de lui lire ce livre, j'espérais que ma fille accepte de manger un peu plus du plat principal, mais bon, ce n'est pas encore gagné.

Crocolou aime son doudou est le premier que nous avons eu et a les faveurs de ma fille et de son grand-frère. Crocolou aime son papi et sa mamie également. Par contre Crocolou aime la cantine fait demander à mon fils le droit de retourner y manger (c'était le cas au Kindergarten mais plus maintenant qu'il est en Grundschule) et ma fille veut rester avec ses copines le midi, comme Crocolou. Enfin, Crocolou aime les livres met tout le monde d'accord et les deux sont très fiers d'avoir eu dès leurs 18 mois une vraie bibliothèque dans leur chambre (bien avant le personnage de Crocolou!)

Crocolou est une collection adaptée pour les petits et les lecteurs débutants. Chaque titre explore un thème de l'enfance. J'apprécie le fait que les titres des livres commencent tous par Crocolou aime... ce qui focalise la narration sur des aspects positifs et aident les enfants à surmonter une difficultés quand bien même ce n'est pas ce qu'ils préfèrent. Par exemple dans Crocolou aime les gâteaux: il les aime, mais cela ne l'empêche pas de se rendre compte que les autres aliments sont aussi bons. Ou bien dans Crocolou aime son doudou où il le perd dans la journée et finit par se rendre compte qu'il l'a en fait oublié en jouant dans le jardin, d'où l'idée sous-jacente de faire plus attention aux choses que l'on aime.

Le site de l'éditeur a dédié tout un espace pour la collection Crocolou, avec des jeux éducatifs, une chanson et même des fiches pédagogiques pour les enseignants des écoles maternelles.

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

vendredi 8 janvier 2016

What Martin Luther King's Day means for a French?

I'm French, I grew up in France and I never set foot in the USA. However, one American man has its place in our contemporary History books (even the middle and high school ones) and is well beloved in my country (NB: it's not the only American French people admire...):

Martin Luther King Jr

The MLK Day will be on January 18th in 2016. It's a special day in USA to remember and work for more equity for the rights of all citizens. The Multicultural Kid Blogs members have decided to write a series of posts on this topic. As a French, this day is not celebrated in my country, and neither in Germany where I live now. However, I have studied History in College, so I'm a "bit" interested in this topic.

France was a colonialist nation for several centuries. French navigators have taken part in the slave trade, people of color (in Africa -Maghreb, Sud-Sahara-, in Americas, in Polynesia, in Asia...) have been treated like "lesser humans" and racism and supremacism had had their joyous days...

However, the slave trade had ceased in 1817 and slavery has been forbidden in 1848 and since then, no laws have reduced the legal rights of "colored men and women". That's why French were quite put off with the segregationist laws in the United States. (Racism existed in my country, and sadly still does, but we couldn't think of separate shops, non-mixed buses, burning cross, etc.)

Traveling on an ocean liner: memories of my grand-mother.

My grand-father was a maître d'hôtel on the ocean liner Ile-de-France during the fifties. My grand-mother had the pleasure to work on the boat four times in the laundry/pressing office (she was a dressmaker by training). She told me about how much she found the Americans (mainly rich ones) mean on board whith those "not white". Of course, on the boat, only the price of the ticket would create segregation. The travelers could go -mostly- as they please on the decks. And it seems that it didn't sit well with some customers. On her first cruise, she was shocked. After a quick visit of New York, she understood a bit better what was going on. My grand-mother was not a bookworm or very fond of politics, she was more a practical woman. Her travels on the transatlantic boat broadened her view of the world. I think she was already quite critic of how richness can twist the heart/mind of someone, and those travels cemented her opinion on that subject. She just added racism at her critical list.

She shared with me an anecdote that happened during the way from France to USA, and featuring the wonderful Josephine Baker (sorry, I can't remember the date). She witnessed how bad some 1st class passengers looked at / talked about Mrs Baker, who was also in 1st class. The French commandant asked the singer/actress if she could perform one evening for the passengers, and she answered "Yes, but only for the crew." Josephine Baker was a strong woman who has known how bad some people can treat others. She would have never sung for those who were loathing her, as she demonstrated on many occasions while she was in USA. My grand-parents were able to attend the show and they enjoyed it. My granny had washed and ironed Miss Baker's dress and seeing her wear it for the staff, that was a memorable moment for her.

My grand-mother has always told me that Joséphine Baker's life was one of heroism. She said that she overcome the "role" she had been casted in (think "bananas skirt"), and raised her voice for those who were muted by force. Her involvement in the Civil Rights movement was something my grand-mother approved of.

Civil Rights movement seen from France:

If few French have directly witnessed the segregation in USA, they have encountered newspaper articles, videos and artwork on the Civil Rights Movement. The "I have a dream" speech Martin Luther King Jr gave in 1963 in Washington is famous in France. It resonates in us with the Human Rights Declaration. Rosa Parks trials have been also discussed, and Pascal Obispo (a French songwriter and composer) wrote a song on her.

The musical Hairspray has brought to light for several young generations some aspects of the issue. I love the movie from 2007, and especially the song I know where I have been.

The memorable picture of Tommy Smith and John Carlos rising their fist in 1968 in Mexico is also well known. In August 2015, a post in NouvelObs has explained the photo and the fact that the three athletes were supporting the Civil Rights movement.

Picture found

Norman Rockwell's The Problem We All Live With, is one of the major artwork French people know of the Civil Rights movement. The Art Curator for Kids has referenced other major artworks about it but I'm not sure French knows them at all.

I could go on... Just know that Civil Rights movements in the world have always the attention of the Frenchs. Our country is far from perfect (no kidding!), but I tend to think / hope that we like to look for ways to improve the rights of every humans. And the work of great men and women, like Martin Luther King Jr, will always be praised by us. May we honor those who fight for more equity and fairness on Earth.

Check out all the posts in this series,
they are listed on our introduction page.

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

jeudi 7 janvier 2016

10 detective TV shows for kids

Les histoires policières et les mystères, je les adore! Je ne pouvais pas ne pas introduire mes enfants à leur univers. Comme ils ne sont pas encore lecteurs, j'ai plutôt travaillé avec les séries télé pour enfants. Voici 10 séries très appréciées des enfants.

Detective and mystery stories... how I love them! I couldn't let my kids not read / watch them too. As they are not readers yet, it's more on the TV shows for kids side that I have "worked". Here are 10 detective stories kids enjoy.

Sally Bollywood:
C'est la première série détective franco-australienne qui s'inspire des films de Bollywood. Sally est une jeune fille d'origine indienne qui adore résoudre des enquêtes, surtout en tandem avec son meilleur ami Doowee (d'origine écossaise). La série montre une ville d'une grande richesse multiculturelle et des personnages attachants. Pour avoir plus d'infos sur la série, allez voir cette page qui lui est dédiée sur le site de TV5 Monde.

In English, the title of the series is Sally Bollywood: Super Detective. It's a French and Australian collaboration, inspired by Bollywood movies, about a young girl from Indian origines working with her Scottish friend Doowee to resolve cases. The pair is often employed by their middle-school peers. The series is highly multicultural, the characters being from many different countries. More infos on the dedicated page on ABC.

Le Club des Cinq: nouvelles enquêtes / Famous 5 on the case
Adaptation moderne du Club des Cinq d'Enid Blyton. Les héros sont les enfants des personnages du Club des Cinq originel et l'histoire se passe à Falcongate à la place de Kernach. J'avoue que je préfère les livres originaux mais bon, pour un petit moment télé sympa, ça passe bien avec les enfants.

Modern adaptation of the Famous 5 of Enid Blyton. You can look at the introduction page on the Disney page for the Famous 5 on the case. The characters are the children of the original Famous Five, and the story takes place in Falcongate in lieu of Kernach. I prefer the original books, but for a nice TV time it's ok for kids.

Je ne suis pas sûr qu'en dehors des pays germaniques, cette série soit très connue. Toutefois, ce dessin animé (issue des livres et les enregistrements audio originaux) a de nombreux fans en Allemagne. 194 CD sont sortis dans le pays! TKKG est un acronyme qui correspond aux prénoms des protagonistes: Tim, Karl, Klöschen et Gaby (la seule fille du groupe). 15 livres ont été traduits en Français dans la bibliothèque rose mais ne sont plus disponibles à la vente...
I'm not sure that outside the German speaking countries they are well known. However, the cartoon (from the original books and audio CD) has many fans in Germany. 194 audio records have been published! TKKG is an acronym standing for  the names of the main characters: Tim, Karl, Klöschen and Gaby (the only girl in the band). I didn't find any translations in English, sad...

Sherlock Yack
Les animaux du zoo ont un problème? Pas de panique, Sherlock -le yack du zoo- est là pour résoudre l'enquête avec son assistante Hermine. Saurez-vous assembler les indices tout comme Sherlock et découvrir lequel des trois suspects est coupable?

The zoo's animals have a problem? Don't panic, Sherlock -the yack- will solve the case with his faithful assistant Hermine. Will you be able to match the clues together like Sherlock and discover which of the three suspects is guilty?

Sherlock Holmes / Sherlock Hound
Ce dessin animé fait partie intégrale de mon enfance et je vais dès ce mois de Janvier initier mon fils au monde canin de ce Sherlock Holmes! (en anglais, ils l'ont même baptisé Sherlock "Hound" = chien). Série animée japonaise des années 80, les aventures du détectives Sherlock Holmes sont pleines d'humour (c'est pour un public jeune) et les dessins sont détaillés. L'anthropomorphisme canin des personnages passe particulièrement bien auprès des enfants.

This cartoon comes from my childhood and starting this January, I will introduce my son to this univers of a doggy Sherlock. In the English version, his name is even Sherlock Hound! Japanese series from the 80s, the adventures of this Sherlock Holmes are funny (aimed at a young public) and the drawings are full of details. The canine anthropomorphism of the characters suits them rather well and the kids love it.

Petz Club
Mon fils a découvert cette série française il y a trois mois, et il est complètement accro. Trois enfants recherchent les animaux disparus de leurs clients/amis. A chaque épisode, des informations sur l'animal disparu sont données: ce qu'ils mangent, leur physiologie, leurs talents, etc. La chanson du générique est aussi bien entraînante! Bonus: cette série est approuvée par des vétérinaires. Pour plus d'infos et des jeux, c'est ici.

My son has discovered this French cartoon three months ago and he loves that! Three kids search for their friends' missing pets. With each episode, the children give informations about the animals they are looking for: food, natural talents, physiology, etc. The song at the beginning is rather lively! Bonus: this cartoon has been approved by veterinarians.

Géronimo Stilton
Tous à la suite de Géronimo, la souris journaliste / reporter qui aime les bons mystères -surtout quand sa soeur Téa le force à voyager, lui qui déteste ça! Les livres et la série animée sont originaires d'Italie. Vous aurez accès à de nombreux jeux et vidéos du dessin animé sur ce site qui lui est dédié.

All behind Geronimo, the journalist / reporter mouse who likes good mysteries -especially when his sister Tea force him to travel, him who dislikes that! The books and the cartoon come from Italy. You can find infos here.

Détective Conan (+ 8 years old)
Voilà l'un des mangas (et animes) les plus longs actuellement avec 87 volumes parus au Japon et plus de 760 épisodes: depuis 1994 (et 1996 pour l'anime), les enquêtes menées par Shinichi Kudo, sous son nom d'emprunt forcé Conan Edogawa, ravissent nombre de fans. Des enquêtes policières classiques aux mystères surnaturels. son ton à la fois humoristique (le personnage de Kogoro Mouri par exemple), très réaliste et sombre en font une série particulièrement addictive. Je regardais les épisodes qui passaient sur la chaîne catalane quand j'étais à l'université, et cela fait maintenant dix ans que je n'ai pu voir que quelques épisodes par-ci par-là ou lire un volume... et cela me manque beaucoup! Un conseil: si vous commencez, soyez sûr(e) d'avoir un bon nombre d'épisodes ou de volumes à disposition!
This is one of the longest mangas (and animes) currently published with 87 volumes in Japan and more than 760 episodes: since 1994 (and 1996 for the anime), the cases lead by Shinichi Kudo, under the forced alias of Conan Edogawa, are delighting their fans. Classical detective stories or supernatural mysteries, with its humorous tone (the character of Kogoro Mouri for example), its realistic setting and sometimes dark background, this series is really addictive. I watched it on the catalan chanel when I was a student, and for ten years I was able to watch just a few episodes or read a volume from time to time... and I miss it quite a lot! So, here's a tip: don't begin with Detective Conan without a good amount of available episodes or books!
You can find many informations about the manga and the anime on the wiki dedicated to them.

Scooby Doo
Fred, Daphné, Vera, Sammy et son chien Scooby Doo (un grand Danois) ont enquêté depuis 1969 sur bien des mystères! Toutes les séries depuis sa création, sont à regarder avec plaisir, avec mention spéciale pour l'avant-dernière "Mystères et Associés" qui allie plus encore le côté enquêtes policières sérieuses et le surnaturel.
Fred, Daphné, Velma, Shaggy and his dog Scooby Doo (a great Danish) have solved mysteries since 1969! All the series can be watched with great pleasure, with a special mention for the last but one series "Mystery Inc." which was more serious and supernatural.

Die Pfefferkörner 
C'est une série TV allemande pour enfants/ado, qui suit les aventures d'un groupe de collégiens qui se lancent dans les résolutions d'affaires arrivant à leurs proches ou voisins. Tournée à Hambourg, cette série en est à sa 12ème saison.
It's a German TV show for pre-teen/teenagers that follow the adventures of middle school teens resolving cases happening to their family or neighbours. Filmed in Hamburg, this series is in its 12th season.

Saison 8, episode 4.

Avez-vous d'autres séries d'enquêtes pour enfants / jeunes à ajouter à cette liste? Laquelle préférez-vous?
Do you have other detective shows for kids / youngs to add to this list? Which one do you prefer?

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

mercredi 6 janvier 2016

Wordless Wednesday #9

Dessin sur le carrelage de la salle de bain, avec des crayons spéciaux: Rainbow Dash (sans les ailes).
Drawing on the tiling of the bathroom, with special pencils: Rainbow Dash (without her wings).