
mardi 4 mars 2014

L'art contemporain à Oberursel / Contemporary Art in Oberursel

J'avais déjà abordé succinctement le sujet dans deux autres articles, mais cette fois-ci je vous emmène à la découverte des nombreuses oeuvres d'art contemporain dispersées dans toute la ville.
I have already talked about contemporary art in my town in two past articles, but this time I'm walking you through my city to discover many contemporary art works.

Park Rushmoor

La concentration d'oeuvres d'art contemporain dans ce parc est assez impressionnante. C'est un musée à ciel ouvert. Sculptures en bois, en métal, en pierre; colorées ou "naturelles"; poétiques, abstraites ou empreintes de réalisme... Flânez au bord du lac et découvrez ce lieu insolite.
The concentration of art works in this park is quite astouning. It's an open air museum. Wood, metal, stone sculptures; colored or natural shade; poetic, abstract, or realism... Saunter near the lake and discover this unusual place.

In Oberstedten

Sculpture, Adenauer Allee:

In Maasgrund:

Détournement de puit...
pour en faire une cheminée avec nid de cigogne par-dessus!
A hijacked well...
to create a chimney with a stork nest on the top!

Dans le centre-ville/ In the center of the city

Cette sculpture représente les mains de Chopin. Elle est exposée sur la Chopinplatz (la place de Chopin). Une association a été créée pour promouvoir les oeuvres de ce compositeur. Des concerts ont lieu trois fois par an. Le prochain concert (la Chopiniade, pour commémorer l'anniversaire de naissance de Chopin) aura lieu ce 7 mars.
This sculpture is a representation of Chopin's hands. It's exposed on the Chopinplatz. An association has been created to promote the work of this great compositor. Concerts are held three times a year. The next one (the chopiniade, in honor of Chopin's birthday) will take place the 7th of March.

2 commentaires:

  1. The well with the stork on is known as the "Storchen-Brunnen", although why it is called that is a matter for speculation. One rumour is that people said the children of Oberursel were pulled out of the well by a stork.

    The metal frame and storks were added at the beginning of 2014 for the Brunnenfest, as the well is the official "Brunnen" of the fountain queen Annabel I. for this year. See:

    Here is what the fountain used to look like:

    1. Thank you Graham for all these informations!
      I'm waiting eagerly for the next Brunnenfest. My children like to discover a new one when we're strolling in the town. So, if there's also a "party", they will be delighted.


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