
vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Places where Olympics took place

France has seen many Olympic Games. As the "founder", Baron Pierre de Coubertin was French, France and French have strong ties with them.

Winter Games:

Three times France has been the host: 1924 was the first time the Winter Games took place, and it was in Chamonix. 5 sports for 9 different competitions... Quite less than our actual Olympic Games with 7 sports and 15 disciplines.

Second time was in Grenoble in 1968: 37 nations were present for the tenth Winter Games.

Third time in Albertville, in 1992, was my first real exposition to winter sports on television. I was 10 and I loved to watch biathlon, bobsleigh, figure skating (that's a sport I already watched), or ski jumping.

Summer Games:

Paris held two times the Olympics: in 1900 and 1924. The 1924 Games (VIIIth Olympics) saw 44 nations competing. 17 sports and 23 disciplines were "fought" by 2954 men and 135 women.

All the pictures in this post are from the website Les


Welcome to our Olympics for Kids series! The Olympics are a wonderful opportunity to teach kids about the world and explore cultures together. Today, you can find more geography and flag posts about various countries thanks to our participating bloggers:

All about Chile - Multicultural Kid Blogs
France: Places Where the Olympics Took Place - La Cité des Vents
South Africa's Flag: A Symbol of Unity and Progress - Globe Trottin' Kids
Brazilian Flag Infographic - the piri-piri lexicon
Flying the Dutch Flag - Expat Life with a Double Buggy

Don't forget that you can also download our Summer Games Unit activity pack to learn more about the world and have fun during the Olympics.

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