
mardi 29 avril 2014

Opel Zoo: le retour! Tadaa! / Opel Zoo: the return! Tatataa!

As we have the pass for a whole year, I went back to the zoo with my children on Easter Monday. We saw animals that we missed the last time. Enjoy the pictures!

Comme nous avons la carte annuelle, je suis retournée au zoo le Lundi de Pâques. Nous avons vu des animaux que nous n'avions pas pu observer la dernière fois. Voici les photos!

Bon, je crois que ça va être une tradition à chaque visite cette photo...
Well, I think it wil be tradition to take a picture at this place each time we come...

Sophie émerveillée devant le paon. Ce coquin s'était perché sur l'une des buvettes du zoo.
Et il criait bien fort pour que tout le monde le regarde!
Sophie, amazed in front of the peacock. This naughty was perched on the roof of a snack stand.
And he was shouting very loudly so that everyone has to look at him!

Monsieur a décidé de soulager sa vessie juste quand nous passions à côté de lui. C'est impressionnant le nombre de litres qui sont sortis! J'ai bien cru qu'il n'allait jamais s'arrêter.
Mister E. had decided to pee when we walked near him. it was so impressive the amount of liters that went out!
I thought he will never stop.

Biches et faons. Ils ont presque tous leur pelage d'été.
Deers and fawns. They have nearly all their summer coat.

Alpaca! Gabriel croyait que c'était un gros mouton...
Alpaca! Gabriel thought it was a very big sheep...


L'objectif était juste assez grand pour passer à travers le grillage et prendre cette photo de Monsieur Renard.
The lent was just the right size to go through the roasting and take this photo of Mister Fox.

J'espère apercevoir les élans la prochaine fois!
I hope I will see the mooses next time!

Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

TWC: Faites du tri dans votre "fouillis" / Sort all the jumble

Challenge for this week:
You have a cellar, an attic, a garage or several cupboards full of ... stuffs?
Time to sort everything and decide what has to be kept and what has to be given or thrown away.

The benefits?
1/ you will have more space to move in your room.
2/ you will give things to people who will need them (more than you).
3/ you will surely find lost/forgotten treasures!

It will be perhaps lots of work, but the result is worth it: it will make you smile happily!


Défi de la semaine:
du Tri!!!
Vous avez probablement un grenier, une cave, un garage ou des placards remplis de ... choses?
Il est grand temps de trier tout cela et de décider ce qui doit être garder, donner ou jeter.

Les bénéfices?
1/ vous aurez plus de place pour vous mouvoir dans la pièce.
2/ vous aurez donné des objets à des personnes qui en ont besoin (plus que vous).
3/ vous retrouverez surement des trésors perdus ou oubliés!

Ce sera peut-être beaucoup de travail, mais le résultat en vaut la peine: vous sourirez joyeusement!

Lors de mon déménagement, j'ai pu trier pas mal de choses!
When I moved out from France, I have been able to sort many things!

SotD / CdJ: L.O.V.E

The Gardiner Sisters
written by Mandi Gardiner
(original song)

dimanche 27 avril 2014

SotD / CdJ: Misery (cover by the Gardiner Sisters)

Misery, Maroon 5
covered by Hailey, Allie and Mandi Gardiner.

Since September 2010 they have greatly improved. Watch other videos on their youtube channel.

vendredi 25 avril 2014

Les instruments nouveaux, n° 1: le Hang / New instruments, n° 1: the Hang

Le Hang a été créé par Félix Rohner et Sabrina Schärer en 2000 à Berne, Suisse (voir page wikipedia pour toutes les infos). C'est un instrument de la classe des idiophones (percussions).
La société PANArt Hangbau AG a mis de nombreuses années avant de pouvoir présenter le Hang aux musiciens. [Actuellement, ils sont en phase d'essais auprès d'artistes pour leur nouveau instrument le Gubal et ne vendent plus de Hang.]
The Hang has been created by  Félix Rohner and Sabrina Schärer in 2000, in Berne, Switzerland (see wikipedia page for all the informations). It's an instrument belonging to the idiophone class (percussion). 
The company PANART Hangbau AG needed many years to finaly present their new instrument the Hang to the musicians. [Right now, they don't make Hang anymore, they are focusing on their new instrument the Gubal]

Libre Hang intégral (image venant de Wikipedia)

Je m'y connais un peu (juste un peu, hein...) en physique, et quand je lis les brochures présentant les études et essais qui ont permis la création du Hang, je perçois la complexité de la fabrication d'un tel instrument et la patience qui aura été nécessaire pour trouver les bons accords. Plusieurs modifications ont vu le jour sur cet instrument, afin de permettre une meilleure vibration dans les notes basses par exemple, et je suis surprise de toutes ces possibilités acoustiques qu'offrent les Hang.
I'm a bit (just a bit) knowledgeable in physics and when I read the booklets about the studies and tests that were made to create the Hang, I can understand how complexe the manufacture of such an instrument is and the patience needed to find the right harmonies. Several modifications happened ont this instrument, to have better vibrations in lower notes for example, and I'm astonished at all the possibilities offered by a Hang.

Ce qui m'attire dans cet instrument, c'est la résonance qu'il peut avoir avec le corps et l'esprit de celui qui l'écoute (et celui qui en joue bien sûr!). Ce sont des sons qui nous parlent, qui nous aident à réfléchir, à méditer, comme le disent d'ailleurs ses créateurs dans une lettre ouverte qui a été publiée sur un blog qui est dédié au hang.
What draws me to this instrument, it's the resonance it could have with the body and the spirit of the listener (as well as the one who plays it, of course!). These sounds speak to us, they help us to think and medidate, like the creators themselves are saying in an open letter published in a blog dedicated to the Hang.

"PANArt Hang" Meditation: Motion I - 3D Soundcloud

Voici deux musiciens qui utilisent des Hang /  Two musicians who play the Hang:

Cet artiste, Rafael Sotomayor, se produit à Francfort. Il faut que j'aille voir une de ses représentations! Il fait partie d'un groupe: The Art of Fusion (page Facebook et site officiel). Première vidéo: Rafael seul, deuxième avec le groupe en spectacle à Stuttgart.
This artist, Rafael Sotomayor, has concerts in Frankfurt. I have to go see him during one of his shows! He's part of a band: The Art of Fusion (facebook page and official site). The first video: Rafael only; the second with the band performing in Stuttgart.

David Charrier

Lien vers son Myspace, où vous pourrez découvrir ses créations.
Sa chaîne youtube.

Insomniac Jam



Aviez-vous déjà vu / entendu un Hang avant? 
Did you ever see or heard a Hang before?

jeudi 24 avril 2014

SotD / CdJ: Shatter Me

Yeepee! The new video clip from Lindsey Stirling just came out. And it's so good! Her original song with LZZY HALE has just blown my mind... A must listen and watch!

Shatter Me, Lindsey Stirling & Lzzy Hale

[Verse 1: Lzzy Hale]

I see the stars through me
Tired mechanical heart
Beats until the song disappears

Somebody shine a light
I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me

[Violin Drop]
Shatter me!
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me!

[Verse 2]
If only the clockworks could speak
I wouldn't be so alone


[Violin Drop]

If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly
There's nobody to catch me if I take a dive
I'm scared of changing, the days stay the same
The world is spinning but only in rain


[Violin Drop]
Shatter me!
Somebody make me feel alive
And shatter me!

mercredi 23 avril 2014

Easter eggs hunt in a flat / Chasse aux oeufs de Pâques en appartement

Dimanche après-midi, j'ai caché les chocolats de Pâques pendant que mon mari se promenait avec les enfants. Voilà ce qu'ils devaient trouver dans l'appartement:

Sunday afternoon, while my husband was strolling in the parc with the kids, I hid the chocolate eggs in the flat. Here are the treasures they had to find:

L'oeuf en métal est rempli de chocolats. J'ai acheté le seau et les deux oeufs
 en métal chez Kik, une sorte de bazar que l'on trouve dans de nombreuses villes allemandes.
 Je les utiliserai de nouveau l'an prochain pour cacher d'autres friandises.
The mettalic egg is full of chocolate eggs. I bought the basket
and the two eggs at Kik, a kind of Bazar you could find in many german cities.
I will use them again next year to hide new treats.

J'avais écrit leurs noms sur deux sacs en papier pour que chacun ait le sien. Dix lots de friandises à trouver... et Gabriel en a déniché 7! Je ne suis pas vraiment surprise car Sophie ne comprenait pas tout à fait où elle devait chercher et ce qu'elle était censé trouver. Elle a tout de même trouvé le premier lot sous le meuble télé lorsqu'elle s'est précipité vers la télévision, à peine arrivée. Il faut croire que chercher des oeufs en chocolat est bien plus intéressant qu'un dessin animé car elle a complètement oublié son premier but. 
Je devais dire à Gabriel "chaud" ou "froid" pendant sa chasse, à quatre pattes par terre...Mon capitaine Tornade est comme son père: si ce n'est pas sous mon nez, ce n'est pas là. Même si en fait l'objet st juste derrière une pile de livres ou un tas de peluches.

I had written their names on two paper bags, so each one had his/her bag. Ten treats to find... and Gabriel found 7 of them. Not really a surprise here because Sophie didn't understand what she was supposed to look for. Nonetheless, Sophie found the first treat. It was under the TV, because she wanted to watch a cartoon as soon as she arrived at home. Guess that looking for chocolates made her forget her first wish. 
I had to say "warm" or "cold" when Gabriel was crawling in the living room or in his bedroom... Captain Tornado is a bit like his dad: what's not under my nose is not here. Even if it's just behind a pile of books or plush animals.

Ma fille a VRAIMENT la dent sucrée. Elle me demande tout le temps
quelque chose de sucré à grignoter. Je commence un peu (non, en fait beaucoup)
 à en avoir marre de lui dire NON toutes les dix minutes.
My daughter has a huge sweet tooth. She's asking me all the time
 to give her something sweet to snack on. I'm starting a little
(well, for real, a lot) to be annoyed with telling her NO every ten minutes.

Le Lundi matin, nous sommes allés au zoo pour participer à une mini-chasse aux oeufs. Mes enfants sont rentrés bredouilles mais nous avons quand même passé un bon moment ensemble avec les animaux et les jeux à disposition dans le parc zoologique.
On Monday morning, I went to the zoo with the children to hunt some eggs... The kids went back home without any, but we still had a fun time together, watching the animals and playing on the playground.

Ma première fête de Pâques en Allemagne.

J'avais prévu d'écrire un bel article relatant les grandes différences entre les traditions pascales françaises et celles des allemands à publier avant Pâques. Bon, j'ai été un peu occupée ces temps-ci, alors je vais faire plus léger...

1 / Le lapin de Pâques. Les cloches qui ramènent des friandises de Rome, je n'en ai pas vu une seule dans le ciel d'Oberursel. Ici, les livraisons se font par les terriers de lapin. Je pense que c'est l'aéroport de Francfort qui doit être rassuré, moins de risques de collisions qu'à Roissy.

Chez McPaper (une chaîne de magasins de papeterie très connue en Allemagne),
il y a avait un joli choix de Lapin de Pâques. Bois, céramique, plastique (mouais...),
peints ou naturels... Faites votre choix Messieurs, Dames!

J'ai craqué pour celui-là. Les oreilles en tissu tout doux et la pose de coquin,
j'étais sûre que les enfants allaient l'aimer. Ce qui n'a pas raté.
A peine posé sur l'étagère que Gabriel l'avait décapité.
Heureusement, maman avait de la colle dans ses boîtes "loisirs créatifs".
Le lapinou a vite repris vie et sa place dans le salon.

2 / Les oeufs durs peints et vendus en boîtes de 10 dans les supermarchés, c'est très courant par ici. En France, j'ai déjà décoré des oeufs étant enfant, mais ils étaient vides...

Tout pour peindre les oeufs!

3 / La décoration printanière qui envahit boutiques, écoles et maisons. Il n'y a pas à dire, j'adore! Bon, le budget un peu moins... C'est qu'on se laisserait un peu trop et un peu vite déborder par le choix proposé.

Une bougie en forme d'oeuf et un petit poussin dans son nid.
Posés bien haut pour éviter un autre incident...

Entre McPaper et le fleuriste Blumen 2000, j'avais déjà un bon choix de décorations à ma disposition.

4 / Les arbres à oeufs. Je suppose que les poules sont rares par ici...

Décorations à accrocher dans les "arbres à oeufs"... Trop mignon!

Bon, blague à part, la fête de Pâques est très appréciée par les Allemands. Selon les Länders, Karfreitag (Vendredi Saint) peut être férié. Le Lundi lui l'est toujours. Un bon week-end de quatre jours où les retrouvailles en famille sont privilégiées et les visites dans les Eglises une tradition pour tous les Chrétiens, c'est bien agréable.
Les chasses aux oeufs sont également nombreuses, dans les jardins des particuliers comme dans les parcs.

Par le passé, selon les régions allemandes, les oeufs étaient cachés par des animaux différents: un coq en Bohême, un coucou en Suisse, une cigogne en Thuringe ou encore un renard en Wesphalie.

Les oeufs sont traditionnellement accrochés sur les arbres dans les jardins ou bien sur un bouquet de branches placé dans un vase à l'intérieur des maisons. Le record du monde de l'arbre le plus décoré est détenu par le zoo de Rostock qui a réussi l'exploit d'accrocher dans l'un des arbres du parc 76 596 oeufs décorés!

J'espère avoir le temps avant vendredi de pouvoir rédiger les autres articles sur Pâques avec ma petite famille. Une chasse aux oeufs en appartement et une visite au zoo...

SotD / CdJ: Fields of Gold (cover)

Yes! Three of my favorite Youtuber artists did a wonderful cover of Stings epic "Fields of Gold".
And they didn't release one cover but two!

The first acapella, on Peter Hollens' channel:

The second with music arrangements, on Tyler Ward's channel:


mardi 22 avril 2014

TWC: Accorder son pardon / To forgive someone

Après le défi de la semaine précédente "Demander pardon", il est grand temps de passer à la phase suivante:

Accorder son pardon à quelqu'un qui nous a offensé ou blessé.

Voilà, c'est à vous maintenant...


After last week challenge "Ask for forgiveness", it's time for the next step:

Forgive someone who offended you or hurted you.

So, it's your turn now...

lundi 14 avril 2014

What type of clothes could you offer to a baby?

(Si vous désirez lire cet article en français, vous le trouverez ici).

A few weeks ago, I joined a bloggers community, who raise their children multiculturaly and multilingualy (see at the end of the article). In honor of the newborns of the members of the group, it has been proposed a very kind project of writing posts that might interest new parents, future parents, their family and friends or whoever works with babies. I choose to talk about the gifts we can offer at the birth, and specificaly about clothes and other textiles. 

One of my cousin will have her first baby at the end of June and I dedicace her this post. Good luck Céline for the last trimester!

When I was pregnant with my first child, a few friends offered me clothes their children had already worn. These second-hand have helped me so much! I also received many new clothes, and I remember fondly of a box that traveled from USA, full of lovely bodys, pyjamas, and 2 cosy and funny baby-blankets that I used quite a lot! [thank you, again, family Reber!] Of course, my husband and I we enjoyed shopping for our son even before his birth. The result was that as soon he was born, I had everything a young mum would need for the first months of her baby's life (and in some cases, too much!)

Why are you talking about clothes?
I'm a naughty boy who prefer to crawl naked
 (save the diaper) on my favorite blanket!

Since my second child is a girl, I couldn't use once more many things. Luckily, my friends have been here for me and gave me used clothings. And the biannual sales were quite helpful too to fill the wardrobe with pretty dresses, tights, bodys, and vests for her first year of life.

A gift that had been worn very often with great joy.
A pretty, buttoned in the back and  easily cleaned dress
for a beautiful princess on Sundays.

However, even if I didn't have to run in a nearby clothes shop when some emergencies happened, I also had some gifts that couldn't be worn or that weren't practicals. I will now explain some tips to be adequate with the needs of the parents.

          You have found a clothe so a-do-ra-ble that you have to offer it for the birth of your niece's first child? Before checking out, ponder two seconds about the situation. When the baby is due? In summer, in winter or at midseason? Which size did you take? Oh, right, it's one month old. It's such a pity this dress is thin and with shoulder straps... because I'm rather sure that the new mother will not clothe her small princess of 10 days in such a dress in the middle of December... And the overalls in linen you want to give to your neighbor for her youngest son? It's three months size? Well, it's sad that we are already in october and that he will be two month tomorrow, he won't be able to wear them very often. Perhaps one or two times, if he's not too big...

The first tip, the most important one in my mind, before even thinking of the terrific effect of this so lovely dress in lilas coton and old pink satin you're holding in your hands, or the beige linen overalls for a newborn, is:    What is the parents' situation?

If you know quite well the future / new parents, you probably know their clothes style, the size of their home and the capacity of storage at their disposition. And especially, you know if they have enough finances to buy new clothes in a reasonable quantity for their kid.

If it's not the case, ask them directly what they wish as birth gifts. Nowadays, birth gifts lists (or wish lists) are rather a common occurrence. They list the clothes needed, the baby equipment and some toys they would like to receive. It's so more pleasant to be sure that our gift will be valued and utilized!

If the parents didn't write down a wish list and you don't know their tastes in clothes:
  • The parents live in a "quite small" housing. OK, I am talking about the ones living in city centers where the rent is high and the flats smaller. Think useful! When someone doesn't have much storage places, he must buy useful. So, princesses dresses and fragile uniforms, let the parents or the grand-parents buy them. Better to give them pyjamas, socks, tights, t-shirts and trousers that could be daily worn and easily cleaned (if small flats, no laundry room to put huge dirty clothes' bags!) A blanket or bath towels are also a good idea.
  • The parents live in the countryside. For exemple, rubber boots in size 18 months, waterproof jacket in size 1 year, practical clothes, easy to wash and durable are gifts that will be loved. Children, as soon as they know how to crawl or walk, are fascinated by grass, flowers, animals, etc.
  • The parents have a small budget. Offer expensive (but useful) piece of clothes that the children will wear until their 1 or 2 years old: jackets, coats, winter suit, shoes. Or invest in baby equipment (I know it's not the topic for this post, but I couldn't let it pass)
  • The parents "adequate" incomes. Well, as said above, ask them directly!

Pants, tights, practical shoes, body, t-shirt, pull-over and coat.
The must-have for a happy 18 months old girl / boy at the playground.

Now, we're going to talk about the clothes in themselves. The choice is rather large so that it's quite difficult to decide which one to buy. Whoever the baby recieving your gift is, a girl or a boy, the first thing you have to remember is: how do you tie it? how do you slip it on?

A new born baby can't be handle as a two years old toddler. You have to buy clothes easily put on and with a front opening! And wait a little bit for the funny and lovely buttons (animals, flowers, etc) that are so exasperating to close! Pyjamas with a back opening are adapted for older babies: buy them in size 6 months and more. As for the T-shirts, always look for the ones with a opening on the front (like a shirt or a polo) or on the shoulder. Babies having a wide cranial perimeter, the tops without buttons will soon be impossible to put "through" the head, although they will still fit the body. (clothes makers have to really think about that!!!)

PJ opening at the front.

For trousers and overalls, verify that an opening is found betwwen the legs: it's so much easier to change diapers! And don't forget the elastic waist that can be adjustable! Every kids aren't "fat" (and they change from chubby to slim quite often), and the trousers lost in the middle of the hall by the beloved crawler can be unerving...

The main thing is that closures can not embarrass or hurt the child. And that parents do not spend hours to dress the little darling.

If it's a clothe in size 1 year old and older, and I recommend you to do so if you buy it new, the choice is even bigger and the type of closure is less important. However, the trousers must have snaps or zips until the child is 6 years old... Underwears full of pee because the "naughty" couldn't open his trousers and neither wait longer, one time ok, but not two!

About materials and fabrics, prefer cotton (and mixed fabrics with cotton and a little synthetic). The parents won't have time to do "delicate" laundries the first weeks after the birth. Furthermore, leaks from diapers ask for a high temperature wash (60°C at least...). Forget the pretty dresses in silk and linen trousers (even if they are natural fibers...). 
Here's a tip: if possible, wash the clothes you're going to offer and iron them. In doing so, the clothes will be wearable as soon as received and the colors won't dye out on the others items. Happy mother and father at noon o'clock!

List of must have for a baby and could be offered:

* bibs
* blankets
* bath towels for babies and bath robe when the baby is older than 1 year.
* PJ
* socks
* tights (girls AND boys)
* trousers and leggings/joggings
* t-shirts
* body suits
* dresses (for girls)
* coats, vests, etc
* winter suit
* winter caps and summer hats
* etc.

I can't write an article about baby clothes without talking about second-hand outfits. You know, the kind od second-hands that totally save our saturday's evening when we discover that the darling sunshine outgrew his PJ's because of a sudden growth spur... Hopefully, there was a friend of yours that gave you two Ikea bags full of worn clothes from her grown up children, but perfectly useful. And in them, there are always treasures and week-end saviors.

See this outfit? I bought only the tights.
The non-skid socks were a gift, the skirt and
the top (neckline opens at the back with snaps)
 are second-hand clothes.

I would like to thanks now all my friends and all the women I don't know that well but who have so kindly given second-hands clothes from their children or grand-children. They were so useful!!! My whirlwinds of children worn them frequently.

So, don't be shy and give away to the pregnant women or new mommy, in your neighborhood or from your relatives, your box full of clothes. They will be forever grateful! And even if the clothes won't perhaps not all of them fit the baby or won't be the right size for the right season, they will find another owner when they will be given again to another young mom.

If you're wondering how many of each type of clothes you need for one baby, here's a very good post about this topic.

Finally, I invite you to look at the websites specialized in hand-made clothes for babies. Unique models at affordable prices (for many of them) will help you to find an original present. And what's best is that you will pay talented people who need more a financial contribution than the multinational firms...

I'm sure that wherever you live you can find in your area creators, seamstresses and shops that will propose you quality hand-made clothes and textiles, as much as on-line shops.

Here are some ideas for hand-made gifts on french websites (it's in french):


robe manches ballon, smockée, col rond  robe manches ballon, smockée, col rond  robe en madras multicolor, brodees de smocks, manches courtes,  tunique, blouse manche 3/4 robe à smocks à fleurs manches ballons


a little maman, the new website from "a little market" (online marketplace) , dedicated to future mothers and babies. Vintage, hand-made and customized clothes for all tastes and prices.

I hope my post would have helped you in searching for a perfect piece of clothes to offer for a new baby and maybe made you ponder about all the baby clothes you have actually stored away and that you could give to someone else. Till next time!

If you have other tips to share, I will be glad to know them. The comments section below is open for your insight.

Love, Eolia.

Mother of 1 boy (Captain Tornado) and 1 girl (Princess Sophia)
User of both second-hand and new clothes.

Multicultural Kid Blogs - Virtual Baby Shower

At Multicultural Kid Blogs, we consider ourselves a (very large) extended family, and so today we are taking time to celebrate those members that are about to or have recently welcomed new little ones into their lives. We are so happy for them!

The co-hosts of this blog hop, listed below, have each written posts related to baby showers or more generally about becoming parents, plus we'd love for you to link up yours below.

Also be sure to visit our Facebook page to leave your advice and well wishes for our guests of honor!


Multicultural Kid Blogs

the piri-piri lexicon
Vibrant Wanderings
Creative World of Varya
Spanish Playground
Dad's the way I like it
World Music with Daria
All Done Monkey