
samedi 31 août 2013

Cartes de saison!

Cet été, j'ai fabriqué quelques cartes... beaucoup moins que je ne l'avais prévu. Mais bon, j'ai privilégié les moments en famille.

Première carte: pour la fille de Raymonde. Elle n'était pas encore née au moment où j'ai fabriqué la carte, d'où son nom qui n'est pas écrit dessus. La petite Ashley est absolument adorable! On la croquerait tellement elle est chou.

Deuxième carte: pour la fille de Florence et Andrea, la petite Cynthia née le 8 juillet (comme ma défunte grand-mère). Je lui prédit un caractère bien trempé et tourné vers la famille...

Troisième carte: pour une amie de ma paroisse.

Quatrième carte: pour le bébé d'Anabelle et Levi.

Qu'en pensez-vous?

Bon week-end! A bientôt!

mardi 27 août 2013

On vend notre appartement!

Pour cause de déménagement en catastrophe, appartement à vendre.

F3 de 56m², 5e étage.

salon avec balcon de 2m²
cuisine aménagée et équipée, ouverte sur le salon
WC séparés, SdB avec baignoire et une vasque (emplacement lave-linge)
2 chambres: une avec grand dressing et une autre avec une grande fenêtre.
placard à l'entrée, 1 place de parking en sous-sol (près de l'ascenseur!). 
interphone, digicode. 

Lieu: Vitry-sur-Seine, 
bus direct pour Paris au pied de l'immeuble (tramway prévu avant 2020)

Prix: 250 000 €.
Contact: par email: ou laissez un commentaire.

le couloir, vue depuis l'entrée

le couloir, vue depuis la SdB

salon, vue depuis la porte

salon, vue sur la cuisine



la cuisine depuis le salon

chambre avec dressing

chambre avec dressing

Plan de l'appartement

Pas de photos de la chambre des enfants. Ils avaient mis le bazar.

dimanche 25 août 2013

Petite info pour les lecteurs francophones.

Oyez, oyez braves gens!

J'ai commencé à traduire certains de mes articles en anglais. Non pas pour être "plus connue" mais pour que mes amis anglophones puissent comprendre ce dont je parle dans mon blog (j'ai eu des plaintes de copines...).

Donc dans les prochaines semaines, vous risquez de voir passer des articles que vous avez déjà lu, traduits en anglais. Vous pouvez les relire... mais vous n'êtes pas obligés et donc vous pouvez aussi attendre un nouvel article en français!

Voilà, c'était juste pour prévenir.

Bisous à tous!

Champs-sur-Marne's park.

Saturday the 27th of July 2013, sun and heat were overwhelming us in our flat. We decided to drive to a park in Paris area. But which one??? There's so many!
Then, my husband Jonathan opened a guide book his brother has offered us last Christmas, and "stumbled" on the page "Castle and park of Champs-sur-Marne". When I looked on the web site Monuments Nationaux, we saw that it had re-opened just a month ago after six years of works and renovations!

After we parked the car on the parking near the entrance of the castle, we could admire the beautiful gate.

A flyer later, I had learned that the park was 28 hectares! Enough to make a LONG walk. With the children, we didn't visit the inside of the castle. Sadly for us, it seems that the renovation is quite successful (sniff...).

Castle on the court side. The access to the garden are either on the right or the left of the castle.
The light was bright, Gabriel couldn't look at me without hiding his face.

Decoration of the wall of adjunct buildings.
It's now a part of the research laboratories of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux.

Façade on the court side.

Details of the façade on the garden side.

The castle on the garden side. I find this frontage in half-moon remarkable. There, are the oval salons: the music lounge on the first floor, the big salon on the ground floor. The façade brings a feminin touch to the castle architecture. The view from the balcony must be great!

Between 1703 and 1707, the architecte Jean-Baptiste Bullet de Chamblain realized this neo-classical country house for a financier. Several owners have succeeded until the State received it as a gift in 1935 (the  historic furnitures have been sold at the same time to the French governement). From 1939 to 1974, it was used as a reception place for foreign Heads of State. Later, it has been opened to the public's pleasure. After six years of intense works, it has been re-opened at the end of June 2013.

The park mix french gardens, woods hiding antic statues and big prairie. Judge for yourself:

View from the terrace. The "embroideries" in boxwood mark
the start of the "Grande Perpsective" of 865 meters long.

One of the two parterres, with the duplicate of an antic "Apollo of the Gazebo".

Scylla's pond.

Secret entrance/exit? Gabriel was sure of it!

Gabou and his dad.

The Orangery with the horticultural garden, and
on the righ a little farther, the vegetable garden.

The prairie.


I'm zero in botanic, I really don't know which kind of tree it is.
 I just found them fascinating.

The big pond.

End of the great perspective and statue in stone "The horses of Apollo" (9m tall).
When you stand next to it, you feel really tiny.

The great perspective from the pond, facing the castle.

A walk in the undergrowth.

We will try to go back for another walk in this vast park. During Fall, the golden leaves must give to the landscape a very different aspect. I will have to do also the castle visit, since it has been restored!

Do not hesitate to discover this flagship of the 18th century architecture!


I shared this post on the July 2015 link-up All About France, on the Lou Messougo's blog.

Lou Messugo

Et la bonne réponse était.../ And the answer is...

Francfort en Allemagne!

Bravo à tous ceux qui ont correctement deviné, et tout particulièrement à Florence Baruffini qui n'était pas dans la confidence comme ceux de notre famille. 
Ma chère, tu auras droit à une petite surprise "allemande" pour Noël.

Oh, j'allais oublier. Si certains ont des cartons, des valises ou des boîtes en plastique qu'ils veulent bien nous donner pour le déménagement, je leur en serais éternellement reconnaissante! Le papier bulle et les vieux journaux sont également les bienvenus!

A bientôt pour la suite de cette aventure...


Francfort in Germany!

Bravo to all of whom, who guessed correctly, particularly Florence Baruffini who was not in the secret like some of our family members.
My dear friend, you will have a "german" surprise for Christmas.

Oh, and by the way, if some of you have boxes, trunks or even old newspapers and bubble wrap, that they want to give us, I would be eternally grateful!  

Bye, I will write you soon the next step of this new adventure...

samedi 24 août 2013

A day at Azay-le-Rideau

Wednesday the 12th of June, visit with my family at Azay-le-Rideau.

Artaud Frères, Editeurs

View from the park of the castle. Photo: Eolia Disler

From Le Mans, the road is not very long to find one of the numerous castles and manors of the Val de Loire. We choose Azay-le-Rideau for this first incursion in this lovely nook of France, full of History. Driving near le Lude and Langeais, the road invite us to seek our school memories and the novels of swashbuckling we read in our young years.

When we arrived at our destination, we had lunch in one of the restaurants this pleasant city proposes. Sated, we walked to the castle. A little friendly advice: even if you have chosen a restaurant near the gateway on the city side, walk around to enter the domain by the front gate. Like the guests of old times, you will walk the royal alley facing the impressive door and the staircase. Leasurely, before buying your tickets, walk through the medieval garden where herbs, vegetables and flowers used to cook medieval dishes and decorate the tables of the nobles grow. Then, you will just have to buy your tickets and have a nice promenade in the park where majestic trees welcome you under their foliage...

The park and the "moat". Photo: Eolia Disler

If you have the opportunity, the guided tour (included in the price) is essential for a true immersion in this historic place. The hour of the next tour is written at the left side of the check-in. We had "Blandine" as our guide. In my opinion, it was a really good tour. And Blandine had just the right speech to put in action the lives of the past owners of the castle and her way at interacting with the kids who were there brought some fun times. My son was more interested in the visit I thought he would have been, thanks to Blandine! After she told the kids some bats had made their home in the woodwork of the roof, my son didn't stop to ask me if I could show him "on internet" what a bat looks like... The same could be said about the salamander, which was François the1st 's emblem. For his first historical guided tour, Gabriel had been quite calm. Well, it was a castle, it's always "super cool" for a child, girl or boy.

Photo: Eolia Disler

Artaud Frères. Editeurs

Another tip for parents with children still in a stroller: forget it in the car! Use a baby carrier, a sling or let your precious angel strechts his/her legs... If the paths in the park are practicable with a vehicle "(not) offroad", the medieval and Renaissance stairs totally ignore that point.
My Loulette* (14 months old) was enjoying the tour, observing everything and everyone. But the visit taking too much time (in her mind, not mine!), I had to sit on one of the comfy stool disponible in the rooms to breastfeed her (yeah, I'm quite an amazon in this area). It was amazing to do it while listening to our guide talking about the adjustements made during the XIXth century or the changes the owners wanted to fit their rank and fortune. 

Loulette, my dear Sophie, with her Dad. How much she walked that day! No one could have stopped her!

Several rooms have been restored very remarkably.
Philippe Berthelot's bedroom (It was a woman! The surname "Philippe" was either masculin and feminin during the Renaissance, as much as the surname "Anne") is a particularly good example of restoration.
Here is the brochure about it (thanks to the Centre des Monuments Nationaux):

When we came back to Le Mans, we made a small detour to see Ussé. This castle had been the source of inspiration for Charles Perrault to write Sleeping Beauty.

Editions Valoire - Blois

We wished to visit it but the price was a little bit too expensive: 14€/adult. Gloups! I know that the castle is own by a private person and that they need funds to preserve it, but still! From the moment I walked in the small shop where the tickets are sold, 15 people (counting ourselves) went out as soon as they saw the price of the tickets. They maybe have to think more about their rate, more people would come... me first! (Castle around the area are cheaper than this one, in majority). Seeing it behing the iron gates, it's quite different then wandering in the garden and saliving over the decoration. Gabriel was really sad, he wanted to see the evil witch (yeah, I know. my son likes to speak about the ugly bad guys of the movies he has seen...).

That will be all for today. Let yourself plan your stay in the Val de Loire and come visit this region full of History and lovely places.

* We say Loulou for boys in France... So why not Loulette for girls? It's one of the nickname I gave to my Sophie. There are also Poupette, Poupounette, Pucette, Poulette, Princeza Sophia, etc. Yeah, many with a P at the beginning. Don't ask me, I have no clue why...

Lou Messugo